Friday, February 25, 2011

Snowpocalypse Part II

I know I've been MIA for the past few days, but it was because the second round of the SNOWPOCALYPSE hit Cleveland. I thought it was all over when the groundhog didn't see his shadow, the temperature rose to 50, and all of the snow melted. Boy, was I wrong! 

On Monday it rained and rained and rained, then all of a sudden the temperature dropped. Everything froze, including the trees. The weight of the ice was too heavy for the trees. I couldn't even count how many trees fell, and there went the power. Let's just say winter without power is not so much fun. 

This is literally what all of the trees looked like. It was so pretty (but not worth the power outage)!

The Cleveland Lighthouse! This is seriously so cool to see in the winter!
Read the whole story here.

It doesn't end there though. As the week progressed, the weather cleared up, and the power came back on. (Thank God!) By Thursday it seemed like the weather was looking up again, but last night it snowed so much.   That meant SNOWDAY though, so I have no complaints!

This is probably going to be the rest of my day! Not planning on driving anytime soon.

The snow has not stopped all morning, and it's pretty heavy. So, if I'm gone again its probably because I got caught in SNOWPOCALYPSE PART III. 


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